What If Self-Help Strategies for Adult Anxiety Are Not Enough?

Despite adult anxiety being a debilitating mental condition, it still plagues a significant chunk of society.

Many people first attempt the DIY route to rid themselves of anxiety. Though common self-help methods don’t always work out, leaving anxiety unchallenged.

For various reasons, you may have dabbled in self-help strategies to overcome your own anxiety. And for a while, it may have been helpful. Practicing distraction, deep breathing techniques, and daily mental check-ins can be golden when it comes to dealing with adult anxiety.

Sometimes, though, these self-help strategies are just not enough.

Here’s how to understand what’s going on when self-help flops.

Understand the Pitfall of Self-Help

In theory, most game plans and strategies sound completely doable. The rotten thing about having a plan is that life notoriously gets in the way.

It’s no different when it comes to implementing self-help to deal with adult anxiety.

Sure, you’d like to spend 15 minutes meditating, but the dishes need washing. Or maybe a swift jog is exactly the peppy action your tense muscles long for, but you still haven’t cleaned up your inbox.

These scenarios bring attention to the weak link in self-help. For self-help to work in your favor, you must have a hefty amount of self-discipline, too. Not only are you playing the patient, in the case of self-help, you are also playing the therapist. That’s a lot of hats to wear at once.

Recognize the Value of Accountability

When self-care doesn’t work out or you find yourself unable to stick to the plan, it’s not uncommon to get down about the entire endeavor. This negative feeling only exacerbates adult anxiety and its symptoms, leaving you worse off than when you first started.

It’s a one step forward two steps back sort of thing.

Of course, this is not to say you shouldn’t try. But, if anxiety has taken over your life, it’s best not to go on the recon mission alone. Recruit help.

Working with a therapist takes the weight of self-discipline away. Although you will always answer to your core values and the face in the mirror, a therapist can carry the brunt of the load. Essentially, a therapist is your accountability buddy.

How Your Own Perspective Could Blindside You

In life, your own feelings may hide in the shadows of your mind for years and years. Or perhaps, you simply may have a challenging time identifying those specific emotions. Finding it difficult to trace them back to a specific event or experience so you can process them, you sort of toss them out.

Adult anxiety has a sneaky way of bubbling up unexpected emotions. Your own ideas, thoughts, and perspectives could easily derail you from your self-help path. In fact, it’s not uncommon for this very thing to prevent self-help from succeeding.

So, when self-help doesn’t actually help you to deal with your anxiety, it may be because you were blindsided.

An Objective View Could Make the Difference

No matter what the memes and adages say, expecting the unexpected is exhausting. After all, humans gravitate towards security and routine. So, to look out for all the ways you could blindside yourself is not exactly possible.

Instead, opt for a wiser approach. Team up with an unbiased, judgment-free third party to give you an objective view. Yes, an outsider’s perspective can be undeniably effective.

In essence, you may not know why you feel this way or that way. A therapist, however, may be able to clearly identify the origin of a particular emotional trigger.

In addition, remember that self-help isn’t customized. The books, magazines, and videos that give instructions target a general audience. And one-size-fits-all just doesn’t work if you’re continuously suffering from anxiety.

When it comes to adult anxiety, it’s vital to use a therapeutic approach that fits your exact needs. The general mold of self-help works for some conditions and for some people. But it can also leave gaps for others.

If you’re ready to address anxiety in your life, please contact me. You can also check out my approach to anxiety treatment.

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